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Begonia maculata baby plant

Begonia maculata baby plant

The unusual and shrubby trout begonia from the begonia family (Begoniaceae) originally comes from the tropics and grows in the forests of Brazil.
The dark green, lanceolate leaves of the exotic flowering plant can also shimmer metallically depending on the light, evoking an association with the scale pattern of the trout. The reddish underside of the leaves creates a beautiful contrast and makes the plant unmistakable. The typical, asymmetrical leaves of the trout begonia sit on strong stems and have a thick wax coating to protect them from too much water loss through evaporation. The houseplant is also known in English as the polka dot begonia, which refers to the round dots on the leaves.
The flowers of the trout begonia are white to light pink and hang down from the plant in clusters. They are divided into male and female flowers, as the trout begonia is monoecious. The male flowers are somewhat smaller and have stamens. The more conspicuous female flowers have carpels. The main flowering period extends from spring to summer. In indoor cultivation, the trout begonias are usually between 20 and 40 cm wide and 30 to 80 cm high. The growth form is upright to slightly overhanging.
Regular price CHF 7.90
Regular price Sale price CHF 7.90
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Blossom color: white

Location: bright but no direct sun

Growth height: 40cm

Flowering time:

Height : 16 cm without pot!

Width: 25 cm



Planting distance / piece per m2:

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