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Curry plant

Curry plant

Helichrysum sylvestris

Delicious, finely chopped with meat dishes...

The leaves can be harvested even in winter, but are more aromatic in summer just before they bloom. You can use them fresh or dried. The leaves of the curry herb taste like traditional curry spices, but do not turn yellow. Make sure that you only cook the leaves briefly or add them to the food just before the end of the cooking time, otherwise the herb will lose its delicate taste and its bitter aroma will come out. In general, use curry herb sparingly. It goes well with soups, wok dishes and Asian dishes. The flowers are also edible and add a splash of yellow color to the plate.

Regular price CHF 7.90
Regular price Sale price CHF 7.90
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Blossom color: yellow

Location: sunny

Growth height: 45cm

Flowering time: July and August

Plant group: duftend, Essbar, Heilpflanze, Langzeitwirkung, trockenheitsveträglich, ungiftig, wintergrün, Winterschutz, and Würzpflanze

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