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Ginkgo biloba baby plant

Ginkgo biloba baby plant

The ginkgo tree is very popular as a garden tree because of its distinctive leaf shape and its bright yellow autumn coloring. It originally comes from China, where the leaves of the tree represent yin and yang. Ginkgo trees are very decorative and relatively easy to care for. When choosing a location, you should make sure that the plant is in a bright and warm place. A windowsill, for example, is ideal. However, you should avoid direct sunlight, especially with younger ginkgo plants, so that they do not get sunburnt. When caring for a ginkgo in a pot or tub, it is important that no waterlogging occurs so that the roots do not rot.
  • In general, you should water your ginkgo tree regularly but only sparingly. Just make sure that the topsoil is not too dry.
  • In winter (November to February) you should give your ginkgo tree a winter break. To do this, move the tree to a cooler, darker room. Room temperatures between 5 and 10 degrees are ideal.
  • Regular price CHF 10.00
    Regular price Sale price CHF 10.00
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    Blossom color:

    Location: bright but no direct sun

    Growth height: 30 meters in the pot it remains small

    Flowering time:

    Height : 15 cm without pot!

    Width: 12 cm



    Planting distance / piece per m2:

    Plant group:

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