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Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna'

Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna'

Ornamental sage

Wonderful with roses or in combination with scabiosas, knapweed, blood cranesbills and grasses, which harmoniously accompany the remontant perennials after their main flowering period in June during their second, somewhat more subtle appearance in September. To achieve this, they must be cut back close to the ground immediately after the first flowering in June, after which the plants will rebuild themselves again by early autumn and produce a small second flowering. If you prefer the pretty seed heads after the first flowering phase, you can simply let Mother Nature take its natural course and be rewarded with an impressive autumn structure.

Regular price CHF 7.10
Regular price Sale price CHF 7.10
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Blossom color: violet

Location: sunny

Growth height: 60cm

Flowering time: June, July, August, and September

Planting distance / piece per m2: 8 pieces per m2

Plant group: Bee pasture, Perennial bloomers, fragrant, Long-term effects, remounting, Salt tolerant, Cut perennial, drought tolerant, and non-toxic

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