Monstera obliqua Monkey Mask
Monstera obliqua Monkey Mask
Introducing the rare and exquisite Alocasia macrorrhizos var. variegata 'Splash', an enchanting strain descended from the Alocasia macrorrhizos known for its bulbous, herbaceous nature. This remarkable plant displays a very variable coloration of the leaf blades, ranging from dark green to lime green to white. Each sheet is a living painting that features an amazing range of tones. However, what really sets the 'Splash' variety apart is its unique variegation pattern. The variegation appears more scattered and 'sparkling' and resembles delicate brushstrokes on the leaves, earning it the apt name 'Splash'. With its arrow-shaped, triangular leaf blades, the cultivar 'Splash' is a botanical masterpiece. The leaves grow vigorously, exhibiting a robust habit variegata 'Splash' requires attention and care in cultivation. Bright, indirect light and a well-drained soil mix are essential for optimal growth. In addition, the soil needs to be regular Watered to keep slightly damp and humidity moderate for this rare beauty to thrive.
Blossom color:
Location: partial shade
Growth height:
Flowering time:
Height : 33 cm without pot!
Width: 40 cm
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